
My Boobs Went Rogue, and Now My Arm's Trying to Join the Rebellion: A Lymphie's Guide to Taking Charge


Different shoes, same journey. Let's walk this path together.

Hey Lymphie Friends!

Welcome to Vivory, LympheDames new blog, your go-to resource for all things lymphoedema, fashion, and empowerment! I'm Ashley Spencer-Smith, the founder of LympheDames, and I'm so excited to continue sharing my journey with you! If you haven't seen our first blog, check out "From Frustration to Fashion"
 where you can read all about how LympheDames started.


Here I am, on our family camping trip, pictured with my "normal" arms only days before the first stages of my lymphoedema began to appear.

The Mismatched Arm Saga

Remember that time you accidentally wore two different shoes and tried to play it off like it was a fashion statement? Yeah, that's kind of what my body's doing right now. Except instead of mismatched footwear, it's my arm that's trying to stage a coup. Turns out, it's not just my boobs that decided to go rogue after breast cancer.

Two months after finishing radiation, my arm started to swell. At first, I thought I'd just overdone it on a camping trip. But the swelling didn't go down, and I soon realized I was dealing with something much bigger: lymphoedema.

What the Heck is Lymphoedema, Anyway?

Okay, let's get real for a minute. Lymphoedema isn't exactly a cocktail party conversation starter. But after battling breast cancer, this weird swelling in my arm decided to crash the party anyway. It's like my body's way of saying, "Hey, remember that whole cancer thing? Well, the after-party's just getting started."

But seriously, lymphoedema is a real thing, and it's not just a minor inconvenience. It's a chronic condition that can cause pain, discomfort, and even disability. And it's surprisingly common after breast cancer treatment – up to 40% of survivors will develop it, according to a study in the South African Medical Journal.

So, what exactly is lymphoedema? It's basically a buildup of fluid in the body's tissues, usually in the arms or legs. This happens when the lymphatic system drains excess fluid and gets damaged or blocked. And guess what? Breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy are notorious for wreaking havoc on the lymphatic system.

For me, it started as a subtle swelling in my arm, almost like I'd slept on it wrong. But it gradually got worse, and now my arm feels like it's wearing a lead weight. It's uncomfortable, unsightly, and a constant reminder of the cancer I thought I'd left behind.

40% Graphic by Vivory

Honestly, this stock image shows what it feels like trying to stuff a different-sized arm into your favourite fitted blazer! But you don't have to have this experience, we have an amazing range of compression garments that are so stylish, you won't want to cover up with that blazer!

The Struggle is Real (And So is the Wardrobe Malfunction)

The first big hurdle was my closet. None of my clothes fit anymore! All my business clothes, my favourite dresses – they all had to go. Suddenly, shopping became a nightmare. Finding clothes that fit over two different-sized arms was like finding a unicorn in a haystack.

And then there was the whole compression garment situation. Let's say that most of them aren't exactly fashion-forward. Who wants to look like they're wearing a medical-grade sausage casing?

But I didn't give up. I discovered a company called LymphaDivas, which makes stylish and comfortable compression sleeves. It was a game-changer! I could finally manage my lymphoedema without sacrificing my style or feeling like a walking medical device.

Taking Charge of My Lymphie Life

I also learned that I couldn't just passively accept whatever treatment plan was first offered. After all, not all physiotherapists are trained in Lymphoedema management. It was important to find one who did and to also become my own advocate, researching different options and pushing for solutions that worked for me.

I learned that there isn't a one-size-fits all solution to lymphoedema treatment. What worked for me might not work for someone else. So I had to tell my therapists when something wasn't working and ask questions. I learned to explore online resources and connect with other "lymphies" for support and advice. Check out the LympheWarriors Facebook Page if you are looking for support!

Finally, I learned that while lymphoedema treatment can be expensive, it's an investment in my health and well-being, not a frivolous expense.


A Call to Arms (and Legs)

If you're newly diagnosed with lymphoedema, my advice is this: don't panic, get informed, and take charge. Do your research, find a supportive therapist, and explore all your options. And remember, you're not alone in this. A whole community of lymphoedema warriors is out there, ready to offer support, encouragement, and a few laughs along the way.

And to my fellow lymphies: let's come out of hiding and own our truth. Let's share our stories, support each other, and advocate for better awareness and treatment. Together, we can raise our voices and awareness and demand better care for lymphoedema. And that’s why I have created Vivory, where I encourage you to open up, share your stories and unique experiences and let’s navigate this together!

Your Turn

Have you ever had a disastrous compression garment experience? 
Get in touch with us! We'd love to hear from you and offer support and solidarity. And don't forget to check out LympheDames' fabulous range of compression garments – we're confident you'll find something you love!


Fancy something Floral? Here are a few options!